
New Hungary Development Plan

Technological development of BAV Tatabánya Kft.
27 May 2009 – 30 September 2009.
BAV Tatabánya Kft., 2800 Tatabánya, Eötvös út 11.
Amount of the aid granted by the European Union and the Hungarian State
HUF 10,797,600
The project has been implemented with the support of the European Union and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.


New Széchenyi Plan
Technological development at BAV-Tatabánya Kft
Amount of aid granted by the European Union and the Hungarian State
HUF 20.000.000
Date of implementation: 31.08.2011-2012.05.02.
Beneficiary: BAV-Tatabánya Kft.
National Development Agency
06 40 638 638
The project was implemented with the support of the European Union and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.


Complex technological development at BAV-Tatabánya Kft
Amount of aid granted by the European Union and the Hungarian State:
22.984.005 Ft
Date of execution: 20.02.2013-2013.12.18.
Beneficiary: BAV-Tatabánya Kft.
National Development Agency
06 40 638 638
The project was implemented with the support of the European Union and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
Technological development and capacity expansion at BAV Tatabánya Kft
Amount of aid granted by the European Union and the Hungarian State:
HUF 58.450.000
Project ID no. GINOP-1.2.8-20-2020-02042

Complex energy development at the headquarters of BAV Tatabánya Kft.

Amount of non-repayable aid:
HUF 19.47 million.
Project identification number: GINOP-4.1.4-19-2020-01747