In 1992, the employees of the Tatabánya Plant of the Mining Mine-Drilling Company established the Mining, Steel Structure, Enterprise – Tatabánya Ltd. (BAV Tatabánya Ltd.). In the recent period, with the change of ownership structure, the ownership rights were exercised by Mr. József Beckl and Mr. György Szontágh. In 2023 it was decided to sell the company, and in two stages, first the civil engineering division and then the division producing iron structures were sold. By retaining the name and profile of the company, SVT GmbH aims to build on its past tradition of continuous development, growth and expansion of its workforce.
A Bányászati Aknamélyítő Vállalat
Tatabányai Üzemének dolgozói
1992-ben alapították a BAV Tatabánya Kft-t.
A tulajdonosok száma 3 fő magyar magánszemély.
A jegyzett tőke: 45.400,- eFt.
A Társaság 1992-től minden évben nyereséges volt, árbevétele 2009-től 1-1,5 milliárd Ft.